National Shark Awareness Week 2019

wod logoWorld Oceans day and The National Shark Awareness Week - two different events with common topic - marine ecosystems, sharks, coral reefs, and how the inhabitants of the country without their "own" sea can help them. It was our pleasure to talk to the visitors of our stand on these topics during the weekend from 1st to 2nd June 2019. 

The donation from our visitors, 1007 CZK + 0.5 EUR, rounded to 50 USD, was transferred to WildAid organization, namely for conservation of the ecosystems in PECCA (Tanzania). On top of that, the sponsor of WildAid organization has doubled the donation to 100 USD! Many thanks to our donors!

Read more: National Shark Awareness Week 2019

National Wolf Awareness Week 2018

Another year of the National Wolf Awareness Week took place from 6th to 7th October 2018 in the Olomouc ZOO. The event followed standard scenario, we had many visitors as usual, mostly in Saturday. Total amount of the donations to the breeding of Hudson Bay wolves in the Olomouc Zoo, collected within the weekend, is 1124 CZK. Many thanks to all donors on behalf of wolves and the Olomouc Zoo.

National Shark Awareness Week 2018

wod logo The National Shark Awareness Week took place from 2nd to 3rd June 2018 in the Olomouc ZOO. This is our own event, organized on the occasion of World Oceans Day.

Besides the usual "shark" themes, we also discussed with our visitors the impact of ocean contamination by plastic rubbish to the ecosystem - a hot topic, that is finally coming to the front pages of both domestic and world mass media.

The donations from our visitors, 868 CZK, rounded to 45 USD, was transferred to WildAid organization, which is working with Machalilla National Park and Misool Foundation to protect manta rays, humpback whales, sea turtle nesting sites, sharks, pristine coral reefs, and countless other marine species in Ecuador and Indonesia.

National Wolf Awareness Week 2017

Vlk HudsonůvWell, the National Wolf Awarenes week 2017 and last warm days of the fall are successfully behind us. This year we've extended our standard exhibits with the wolf mask put on our heads. Some of the visitors were amused with this, the other ones - mostly kids and dogs - were terribly scared.

Total amount of the donations for Hudson Bay wolves in the Olomouc Zoo is 1249 CZK and 2 EUR. Many thanks to all donors on behalf of wolves and Olomouc Zoo.

Read more: National Wolf Awareness Week 2017

National Shark Awareness Week 2017

Our National Shark Awareness Week took place from 3rd to 4th June in the Olomouc ZOO. Tropical Saturday weather has ensured an abundant attendance of visitors. On the contrary, heavy rain on Sunday afternoon swept away visitors and made our exhibits and literature pretty wet. Despite of this, we have collected the highest amount of donations within this event so far - altogether 1110 CZK and 9 Euros. The entire amount, rounded to $60, will be transferred to the accounts of WildAid and Misool Foundation, for supporting the Misool Marine Reserve in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.  In this protected area we can find the richest coral reefs in the world, where mantas, whales, sea turtles, sharks and plenty of other marine animals live. Our donation of $60 will be doubled by the WildAid sponsors to $

Read more: National Shark Awareness Week 2017