Itamos Tree - The Last of a Forest

Based on available data this individual of European yew (Taxus baccata) is aproximately 2000 years old. Such age makes it one of the oldest tree in the world. The oldest tree at all is located in Sweden. See also Monumental trees pages.


Itamos Tree - European yew (Taxus baccata), aged about 2000 years


Itamos Tree - European yew (Taxus baccata), aged about 2000 years


Itamos Tree as known from the Internet


Itamos Tree as known from the Internet


By the trunk of one of the oldest trees in Greece - Werewolf from the Spruce in front of the Itamos Tree


By the trunk of one of the oldest trees in Greece - Werewolf from the Spruce in front of the Itamos Tree
There is a lot of mighty European black pines in Itamos. They have a home here.


Old European black pine (Pinus nigra) growing on main ridge of Itamos mountains, Halkidiki, Greece


Old European black pine (Pinus nigra) growing on main ridge of Itamos mountains, Halkidiki, Greece


Werewolf from the Spruce touching an ancient olive tree in the famous oracle of Delphi in the Parnassus mountains


Werewolf from the Spruce touching an ancient olive tree in the famous oracle of Delphi in the Parnassus mountains


Photos:  © Pavel Reich 2012