Shark sanctuaries around the world
Shark Sanctuaries Around the World (format .pdf, 8.0 MB)
author: The PEW Charitable Trusts
source: The PEW Charitable Trusts
Maldives are one of twelve shark sanctuaries in the world. The Maldives' shark sanctuary was established in 2010 and it covers 916,189 square kilometers.
Shark vs. Mammal Infographics
Considering Shark Biology in Management (format .pdf, 2.4 MB)
author: Rachel Brittin, The PEW Charitable Trusts
source: The PEW Charitable Trusts
Shark finning
Shark finning is a very serious threat to the world shark population. Sharks are hunted in large numbers just for their fins which are used for cooking of popular shark fin soup. After pulling a shark on board of the ship its fins are cut off and then the crippled shark body is thrown back into the sea. Shark fin soup is a big nonsense. Shark fins are in fact absolutely tasteless.
Shark finning - The photo was taken at the exhibition "Trading in Death - The final mass extinction?" in the Natural History Museum, Vienna
Uterus of a Pregnant Female of the White Shark
An open uterus of a pregnant female of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Oceanium, Diergaarde Blijdorp Rotterdam, Netherlands. The white shark is ovoviviparous. So you can see embryos, some still with yolk sacs, in each of the two uteri.
Shark Monitoring Program
Here is an example of the recording form for the Red-Sea sharks monitoring program. It has been prepared by Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, National Parks of Egypt.
Have you been recently to southern Sinai (Sharm El-Sheikh and its vicinity) and saw shark in the Red Sea? If so, we kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire and then send it to the email address stated on the last page. Thank you.
Shark Monitoring Program - Questionnaire (format .pdf, 270 kB)
source: EEAA