Voice of the Common crane
Voice of the Common crane (Grus grus).
download the record (format .mp3, 2.4MB, recorded by Pavel Reich, DiS.)
Voice of the Eurasian eagle-owl
download the record (format .mp3, 419kB, source Myslivost / Stráž myslivosti)
Voice of the tawny owl
download the record (format .mp3, 420kB, source Myslivost / Stráž myslivosti)
The voice Eurasian Reed Warbler
The voice of Eurasian Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), recorded at the Dyje river near Drnholec town. Please apologize the poor quality of the record.
download the record (format .wav, 829kB)
The voice of Eurasian lynx
Threatening voice of Eurasian lynx female (Lynx lynx) during feeding.
download the record (format .mp3, 1.2MB)
Call of Eurasian lynx male (Lynx lynx).
download the record (format .mp3, 178kB)
We publish both records with kind permission of their author, Jiří Štěrba, who is the zookeeper of feline species in Ostrava ZOO.
The voice of Eurasian Pygmy Owl
Eurasian Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) is the smallest owl in Europe. We have captured it's beautiful whistly voice in the nature reserve „Puscza Śnieźnej Bialky“, which is located in Poland's part of the Golden Mountains.
download the record (format .mp3, 54kB)
download the record (format .mp3, 421kB, source Myslivost / Stráž myslivosti)