Wild Rivers


The Morava river in NNR Zástudánčí, August 14th 2010


The Morava river in NNR Zástudánčí, August 14th 2010


A logjam formed naturally during flash floods in a mountain stream, Jeseniky - Czech Republic


A logjam formed naturally during flash floods in a mountain stream, Jeseniky - Czech Republic

Near-natural fortification of a river bank with fixed logs, River Thaya - Austria


Near-natural fortification of a river bank with fixed logs, River Thaya - Austria



Renaturalization of the Thaya river

On the opposite Austrian bank of the Thaya river we can observe renaturalization of the watercourse. Thaya river broke through the regulated bank and created a side arm. Remains of former riprap are still visible in the picture.

Renaturalization of Thaya river - the river broke through the regulated bank and created a side arm


Renaturalization of Thaya river - the river broke through the regulated bank and created a side arm



Groins are the near-natural ways of stabilizing the banks of watercourses. The groins are a stone dam extending from bank into the water stream profile, perpendicularly to the flow direction. The groins divert main flow of water from the bank which protect it against an erosion.

Groins on the Thaya river, Moravian border bank in the game-park Obora


Groins on the Thaya river, Moravian border bank in the game-park Obora



Source of the glossary of river management terms: Geomorphic Investigation of Quinault River, Washington (18 Km Reach of Quinault River Upstream from Lake Quinault)


Active channel - The unvegetated channel that conveys the majority of the river's bedmaterial load. Does not include overflow or side channels.

Active floodplain - The zone of active channel, side channels, overflow channels and intervening surfaces that receive some flow at annual intervals and have been reworked by the active channel at least once within approximately the last century. It is synonymous with the boundaries of the 2002 historical channel migration zone (HCMZ).

Read more: Glossary