National Shark Awareness Week 2013
In occassion of World Oceans Day we have organized an educational event National Shark Awareness Week 2013 in the Zoo Olomouc. Unlike last days, the weather was beatiful and many visitors have stopped for a moment in our stand. We have to admit that sometimes it was quite difficullt to pay same level of attention to all visitors.
Totally 20 participants took a part in the quiz "What do you know about sharks?". The winner will receive the book Sharks - History and Biology of the Lords of the Sea by Angelo Mojetta. One of the participants shown an outstanding interest in sharks, therefore we have reward him with special price - a Czech edition of the book "The Jaws of Death: Shark as Predator, Man as Prey" by Xavier Maniguet.
The visitors put into the box for small financial gifts totally 370 CZK. We will forward these money, rounded to 25 USD, to the Shark Savers organization. On behalf of sharks we kindly thank to all donors! Please see also pages of FOREST - Arabia project.