Tracks of red foxPublished: 16 March 2012 | Hits: 2865 Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) track; Direct register walk Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) track; Fox shifted from an overstep walk (in the foreground) to a direct register walk (in the background)
Tracks and other marks of wild boarPublished: 25 April 2013 | Hits: 2880 Footprint of wild boar (Sus scrofa) - Bohumín Read more: Tracks and other marks of wild boar
Footprint of European mouflonPublished: 07 February 2012 | Hits: 2645 Footprint of European mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon) - Hrubá Voda
Footprints of mousePublished: 31 January 2012 | Hits: 2655 Footprints of mouse (Apodemus), mountain Čupel, PLA Beskydy, January 28th 2012
Footprint and other marks of chamoisPublished: 22 December 2011 | Hits: 4218 Footprint of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) Excrement of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) Excrement of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
Footprints of raccoon and sandpiperPublished: 21 December 2011 | Hits: 3018 Footprints of raccoon (Procyon lotor), track of common sandpiper(Actitis hypoleucos) in the upper part of the photo
Footprints and other marks of grey heron Nest of peregrine falcon Footprint of European badger and other marks Footprints and other marks of eurasian beaver