Independent, non-govermnetal organization FOREST – research and protection of wilderness is an interest group of volunteers, who care about nature and enviroment protection.

Pavel Reich, DiS.

Pavel Reich, DiS.


Ing. František Sofka

 Ing. František Sofka
Vice chairman

Mgr. Petr Rejzek

Mgr. Petr Rejzek
Biologist and pedagogue


There are not only real professionals with long-time experience among us, but also people who are more or less beginners at the field of nature conservation. However, there is one common thing which joins all of us - real enthusiasm for our activitiy which is based on

  • real work for nature / landscape conservation
  • support of public regarding their legitimate enviromental requirements
  • support of partner organizations
  • enviromental education and public enlightenment

Foundation members of the FOREST NGO in field     Foundation members of the FOREST NGO in field

Foundation members of the FOREST NGO in field, October 2011


We carry out our activities in our free time and on a volunteer basis, without any special-purpose grants or subventions. For further information please visit the pages of our projects:

We also participated in the "Monitoring of large carnivores in the Beskydy mountains" project. Please do not heasitate to contact us in case of any questions.


You can download our logo here: