Wolf from Předmostí
We added new category Wolf from Předmostí to our web presentation.
We gained access to the internal database of the ANLCP CR!
We gained access to the internal database of the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic. What does it mean for us? There is a lot of detailed information about protected areas in Czech Republic in the database, for example the date of last patrol or the assessment of nature reserve. What is more, we can also insert comments on management or appraise present state of given protected area.
FOREST takes part in the monitoring of big predators in the Beskydy mountains
FOREST officially takes part in the project "Monitoring of large carnivores in the Beskydy mountains". The project is annouced by Ministry of the Enviroment of the Czech Republic and it is executed by Institute of Vertebrate Biology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.
National Wolf Awareness Week 2011
The educational part of the National Wolf Awareness Week 2011 took place from 15th to 16th October 2011 in the ZOO Olomouc. We explained to visitors how important is the role of wolf and other predators for retaining healthy ecosystems in our nature. The weather was really nice, so many people visited our Wolf's stand.
We have the second game camera!
We have placed an order for our second game camera for our Wildlife Monitoring Program on 29th July 2011.
National Bear Awareness Week 2011
We have joinded National Bear Awareness Week 2011 which takes place in May every year in the United States of America. Our Wolf's stand was opened from 21st to 22nd May 2011 in the Zoological Garden Olomouc. We have provided information about (not only) bears, their important role in ecosystems and their status in Europe and America. We have also discussed the importance of protection of wilderness and we offered participation in our Wildlife Monitoring Program to visitors of the zoological garden.